This is probably going to be my opinions sharing my experiences working within this whole website. I have encouraged the many clients suffering from concurrent disorders. My personal thoughts on the matters of addictions and wellbeing, I will begin to say I enjoyed my career as an addictions counsellor having the opportunity supporting post-psychiatric patients since 1982. I am forever grateful applying my skills across Manitoba. I worked passionately with the unconditional services of 12 Step Groups, hopeful One to One therapists. I praise support workers of our addiction centre’s and altruistic efforts of community in harm reduction programs and clinics. I praise you all as pillars of good health and addiction recovery.
I received a Certified Applied Counsellor (2007) through the University College of the North, The Pas, Manitoba. I begun my career in modest beginning being employed fulltime at the Phoenix House Drop In Centre in Winnipeg (1982). I had the growing desire to reachout to those in great need and suffering in my twenties. I had the willness to a service of great lengths with courageous determination to accept the hits, misses and the jobs changes that is a reality of any humanitarian efforts.
I was told back in my early years, an Addictions Doctor told me there are no remedies for the suffering person plagued addictions. What brings in a hurting alcoholic into a drug and alcohol treatment program is a miracle on its own. The Addictions Counsellor will tell their clients there is no cure. The Doctor explained an Alcoholic being admitted into a treatment program is the miracle of choice. Between these two points is an awaking where the cure lays dormant in the untreated client. This is where the choice of the person suffering in addiction is graced with choice to help himself into treatment.
I what to extend my welcome to you and my personal thank you reading this far.
Redz Hyas